New Year, New Adventures to come
Happy New Year everyone!!
We had a pretty chill New Year's Eve. I had to work until 2ish, came home and napped. Then Baros, Burak (Baros' older brother) and I went to Jeremy's house for a laughter filled New Years. I caught up with Jeremy's mom and dad since it's been some time since I've seen them. Then we all ate delicious food, watched some funny movies, and watched the ball drop.
It was a great start to the New Year. Welcome 2019!
Baros and I being Goof Balls
New Year’s Kiss!
Big brother Burak and I
Jeremy and I
All of us!
Yay for New Year's Celebration!
2018 was a pretty great year for us but I'm happy to welcome 2019.
In 2018, Baros and I got married in front of our family and friends in April.
I was a bridesmaid for one of my best friends and Baros saved the day at the end of the night.
We got to celebrate with my cousin Vinny and his beautiful wife Corryn as well.
We traveled to 4 different states together: Florida, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts and Rhode Island. (Plus, of course, NY and NJ... but we're there all the time). And I'll eventually post those pictures! One day!
We've had countless adventures and tried so many new things together. We've been to museums and restaurants and apple picking and gone kayaking to name a few!
We celebrated our 1 year court marriage anniversary and our 2 year first date/kiss anniversary too.
Anniversary antics!
2019 I hope, will be equally amazing. Maybe less of a whirwind explosion of events!
I'm looking forward to some amazing adventures. There are a couple of out-of-state weddings we'd love to celebrate with our friends and family.
We'll hopefully be taking our first trip to Turkey together, which will also be our first trip out of the country together.
We have so much more to check off of our bucket list and I can't wait!
I also can't wait to keep writing here. It's been a couple of hectic months, so I've had to take a break, but hopefully life will ease up and give me some time for writing and picture editing!
I still have sooo much to post from our adventures in Boston, Providence and Pittsburgh. And some NYC adventures too! Not to mention Christmas! I'm so behindddd!
But it's okay, life goes on and I'm excited to see where this next year leads us.
I don't want to make any resolutions, because at the end of the day I'm terrible at keeping them.
However, I'm hoping that Baros and I will keep up with our healthy eating and add in some more gym time. We went for the first time yesterday soooo YAYYYY!
I am Queen of the tomatoes!!
I hope we'll keep checking off from our Bucket List and living life to the fullest together.
I can't wait to see where we go and what we do and I can't wait to keep updating you all!