Our Couple's Bucket List...
Baros and I have been married for 6 months now and have been living together for more than a year already. But we haven't had much opportunity to travel together yet. Since we're constantly working to get out of debt (yayyy, expensive college!!) it's been hard to plan anything major especially since any extra money went towards our bigger wedding last month.
But now that we can, we're going to get organized and go on some Mini-Moons to places we've never been. And we'll have some amazing adventures too.
So we've come up with a Couple's Bucket List of things we'd like to do over the years. It's a pretty epic list that I imagine we'll add to even though I don't know if we'll finish everything due to the various injuries both of us have incurred over the years. But it should be a lot of fun trying to check things off. I think that this list will grow and change with us.
It's a long list so I organized it into different categories to find everything to check it off more easily.
1. Stay in a ritzy hotel
2. Stay in a hotel with a Jacuzzi
3. Stay at a quaint bed and breakfast
4. Stay at an AirBnB
5. Stay in a bungalow (bonus if it's over water
6. Stay in a tree-house
7. Stay in a tent/Go Camping/Glamping
8. Stay in an Ice Hotel
4. Stay in an Igloo
Our view from our gorgeous hotel in Miami
1. Fly together
2. Fly first class (technically we flew first class in Turkey... but I won't count that since it was such a short flight on a tiny plane)
3. Ride in a helicopter
4. Go on a roadtrip
4. Take a Boatride (first time in Boston)
5. Take a cruise
6. Ride bikes together
7. Ride a tandem bike
8. Ride a tandem bike
9. Rollerblade together
10. Go horseback riding
11. Go sailing
On our way to Miami, dreaming of first class!
Relaxation and Cultural Activities
1. Sleep under the stars
2. Eat on a balcony overlooking a beautiful view
3. Get a couple's massage
4. Spend the day at a spa together
5. Relax in a natural hot spring
6. Visit a butterfly sanctuary
7. Watch a sunrise together
8. Watch a sunset together
9. Watch a sunrise and sunset in the same day
10. Go apple picking
11. Make fresh pies
12. Go berry picking and eat fresh berries in the sun
13. Have a picnic
14. Get "snowed in" at a cabin
15. Cuddle by a fire
16. Visit a vineyard/distillery
17. Take a pottery class
18. Take a cooking class together
19. Visit a cheesy tourist trap
20. Act like tourists in NYC
21. Perform in Central Park
22. Go to Comicon
23. Go to a zoo together (first time in Philadelphia)
24. Go to an aquarium (first time in Boston)
25. Go to a museum (first time in Boston: The Science Museum)
26. Go to an art gallery (first time in Providence)
27. Go to a county fair
28. Kiss at the top of a Ferris Wheel
29. Play mini golf together
30. Go to the Renaissance Fair in costume
31. Ride camels at Ren Fair
32. Visit a National Park
33. Go to a tropical paradise
34. Go whale watching
35. Enjoy the view from the top of a lighthouse
36. Rock out at a music festival
37. Go to a major league baseball game
38. Go to a major basketball game
39. Go to a major hockey game
At the Philadelphia Zoo (I’ve updated and replaced the original picture I had here with one I took)
1. Go to an offbeat destination
2. Swim with wildlife
3. Go scuba diving
4. Go snorkeling
5. Paddle a rowboat
8. Go parasailing
9. Go bungee jumping
10. Go skydiving
11. Go white water rafting
12. Go surfing
13. See coral reef
14. Go air boating across gator infested swamp
15. Do the polar bear plunge (aka: I'll go in, he'll take pictures)
16. Swim in the Atlantic Ocean together
17. Swim in the Pacific Ocean together
18. Ride a jet-ski
19. Go skinny dipping
20. Go swimming at midnight (in Miami)
21. Visit an epic waterfall
22. Go hiking
23. Cliff jump holding hands
24. Go hang gliding
25. Go zip lining
26. Walk on a suspension bridge
27. Trek up an active volcano
28. Explore a cave
29. See/walk on a glacier
30. Go dog sledding
31. Go snowshoeing
32. Go snowtubing
33. Go ice skating
34. Go sledding
35. Go to an amusement park together
36. Go to a Disney Park
37. Go on a big roller coaster together (The Cyclone at Coney Island)
38. Do a color run or other 5k physical challenge together
39.Visit all 50 states (6/50)