Surprise! We're going to Miami!
Baros and I legally got married 6 months ago (almost to the T) and we had the big wedding with family and friends less than a month ago. So with all the craziness of planning a wedding and working like crazy to pay for life, we never even planned on going on a honeymoon.
We decided instead to do a couple of mini-moons that way we'd get to escape at different times this year for some periodic relaxation. I love the idea of a long vacation, but the last couple of times I took off for a longer holiday I came back more tired than when I left. We thought that a few mini-moons might give us some more frequent relaxation time. Plus, we'd get to see more of the U.S.A this way. Each mini-moon could be spent in a different city in a different state and since one of our Bucket list goals is to see all of the 50 states, we thought this would be a great way to start the challenge. I've been to 20 states and Baros has been to 10 states, but we've only been to two of those states jointly (NY and NJ) so we have a lot of exploration to do together! <3 We can start with a few mini-moons this year and then next year we can do some global travel as well.
However, we didn't even plan our first mini-moon because we've been too busy. Even now, several weeks after the wedding, we haven't stopped moving. Work has been pretty busy for me and it's skyrocketed for Baros (which also happened after our court wedding too... sooo maybe we should just keep getting married for working purposes!).
That being said, we are incredibly lucky and grateful because Baros' best friend and his girlfriend have decided to organize and send us on our first mini-moon. I think they know that left to our devices we might never go anywhere at least not for a good long time! Silly workaholics!
So Surprise! We're going on a mini-moon in two weeks!
We're leaving on the 30th once I get done with work and we come back in the late afternoon on June 2nd.
So where are they sending us?
At some point I'm going to get a map and pin our trips too... But for now, Thank you shutterstock!!
They're sending us somewhere in Miami, but the rest of the details are still a surprise.
We can't wait!!!
We definitely need a break after the last few crazy weeks.
I can't wait to plan and plot our activities... even if a lot of those activities will involve laying on a beach or by the pool!
I'm excited for relaxation, delicious food and drink and definitely something adventurous.
I would love to go to the everglades and ride an airboat to see some amazing wildlife. Or go parasailing! And then try some crazy local specialties like frog legs and gator!
Other than that I'm open to suggestions!